Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to get your Prius power windows working again

All of sudden you find that you can no longer control all your power windows from your driver's control panel.

Some symptoms
1) They work individually but you can't work them from the driver's control panel!
2) Drivers side can only control up or down movement but not both
3) Window does not go down with one press but must be held till it reaches top or bottom

There could be other variations of the above but they all point to one thing. There is a fault in the control system. Now if you are not aware on how to get it fixed, taking the problem to your auto electrician can often cost you a great deal of money. I know of a case where the customer was charges $220 and the problem still recurred.

Help is at hand! What has happened is that perhaps you ran out of power in your 12 volt battery system and the door settings get out of whack. The solution is to wind the window up and hold the switch in the up position for 10 seconds. Release it and Wallah it is all working again!! You have to do it to each window.

This tip should save you quite a bit of money if not your sanity.